Product details

Subscribe and save [the planet]
  • You're putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere on the regular, so why not remove some of those green house gases monthy?
  • Your subscription automatically recharges monthly
  • Unlock rewards when you remove CO₂ and reach new levels
Permanent Carbon Removal

- Climate Karen sources durable carbon removal credits from trusted partners

- All carbon dioxide is removed permanently (100s to 1000s of years)

- Carbon sequestration or storage depends on the CDR methodology

Transparent and Verifiable
  • Climate Karen sources carbon removal credits from biochar, direct air capture, ocean-based carbon removal, and enhanced rock weathering
  • This portfolio of permanently removed carbon changes depending on market rates and availability, but your price never changes.
  • We add 20% to the cost of these carbon credits and this goes to pay for dumb memes and claymation
  • You keep track of the amount of carbon removed in the rewards system.