How does Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) work?

It's Science

It's too damn hot

Our hair will NOT cooperate in this heat. The kids are trying to play soccer and have to keep stopping to drink their Prime Energy. This is because of CO₂.

Schwetty Balls

Live, Laugh, Learn

Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is now here. Think of carbon capture technology as a giant vacuum cleaner for the atmosphere, sucking up those carbon Karens and leaving us with fresher air to ruin.

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Build a wall around it

After the carbon is sucked out of the air, it goes back where it belongs - into the ground. CDR storage is like shoving excess carbon dioxide under the Earth's rug, hoping it'll stay put and nobody will notice the suspicious bulge.

Bulge? Say more.

Hawk Tooah to CO₂

Did you take econ in college? Nope? Neither did we!

Buying carbon removal credits now, is like throwing a rager for planet-saving technologies, with the hope that someone brings a seriously awesome carbon-sucking party trick.

I love to catalyze