Climate Karen

You in? Good.

Now go get the manager. Of Earth.

Go full Karen on CO₂

Tell the manager...

We want the CO₂ OUT

We can't enjoy luncharitas with all this damn CO₂.

But good news, it's now possible to to remove CO₂ from the air and put it back in the ground... for good.

It's called Carbon Dioxide Removal (or CDR for short) and it uses real science.

Learn more >

Set the Earth thermostat back to 68

Why? Less hot means polar icecaps with ice. More margaritas, Less wild weather.

It's critical that we begin permanently removing carbon dioxide from the air. Reaching scale with this technology can only happen with our involvement.

We deserve some rewards
  • Make an impact and feel good. The more CO₂ you remove the more rewards you get.
  • Get exclusive rewards the more CO₂ you remove. Every $1 you spend, removes 3 pounds of carbon dioxide.
  • Earn discounts and freebies from your favorite brands as you access new levels.

Why remove CO₂ from the air?

A) there's too much

B) it's possible

C) the heat is making my hair crazy

the Science

Wait a sec... who actually removes the CO₂?

We're busy complaining to management, so we let these climate-tech companies do all the hard work.

Learn More

What other Karen's are saying